"Denius worked here a few years back building my home office "shed" at the bottom of our garden. I originally wanted something in a far corner but he persuaded me that it was much nicer to make it a bit higher up the garden, under a large tree we have, with decking extending around the tree.
It was a brilliant decision and the insulated shed has add character to the garden as well as giving me a great place to work. Denius works really hard and you'll get the best results by giving him freedom to add little details that make it special.
Kind regards,
Marc Palmer
I can build you a wonderful woodland home office with details that will delight, a magical play house for your children, or a cosy cabin so you can escape the world for a while.
Perhaps you'd prefer a large tree trunk chainsaw sculpted to add some mystery to your garden, or a finely sanded wooden form that nobody can resist touching.
All of my work is bespoke, so please do look at the wide variety of wooden building and chainsaw sculpture work in the gallery. If you would like to talk about a chainsaw sculpture or a building project, I would love to hear from you. I'm based in Leonard Stanley, Gloucestershire but take on work across the Cotswolds as well as farther afield.